
Scout GeoTag Hike

Welcome to the Scouting GeoTag Hike.

We have carefully positioned a number of GeoTag QR Codes. All you have to do is follow the map and find the QR Codes. Once you reach a GeoTag, scan it using your phone and read the instructions on the page. You may find an activity, a challenge or some instructions to help guide you on your hike.

Please register your group below, read all the following information, before proceeding to the next geotag.

What to do when you get stuck or need help?

  1. Make sure everyone is safe and stay calm

  2. Phone the leaders on 07596005613 (the registered WhatsApp name is Prime Paddling)

  3. If it is an emergency phone 999 (a leader needs to be informed still)

  4. Find your location using your phone or look for land marks and streets.

  5. Share this with people that can help you: your leader, emergency services

  6. Please do not contact your parents if you are stuck or in need of help.

Google Maps

Click the blue dot showing your location and then click share location (you can then share the location with your leaders)

iPhone Compass

Open the iPhone Compass App.

Share the coordiates with your leader.


Open a new chat with the leaders number. Click the plus button on the bottom left.

Click location and then click share.


Open the app. Click the square that you are in.

Share the 3 words over the phone to your leader.

Looking Around

Has your device gone flat or doesnt have signal? Have a look at your surroundings. Let your leader know what you can see. Navigate safely to somewhere with signal or find someone trusted that you can ask for help.